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Care for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 

Published: January 24, 2024


Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a challenging and debilitating condition that can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. CRPS is characterized by chronic, intense pain that typically affects a limb, often following an injury or trauma. While there is no cure for CRPS, various treatment approaches aim to manage symptoms and improve function. Chiropractic care, particularly at Accident Chiropractic Care and Massage, offers a comprehensive and holistic approach to address CRPS symptoms and enhance overall well-being.

Understanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

CRPS is a complex and poorly understood condition that often develops after an injury or trauma. It is marked by disproportionate pain, swelling, and changes in skin color and temperature in the affected area. CRPS is classified into two types: CRPS-I, which occurs without a confirmed nerve injury, and CRPS-II, which is associated with a confirmed nerve injury.

The exact cause of CRPS is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve malfunctioning of the peripheral and central nervous systems. This dysfunction can lead to abnormal pain signaling and inflammatory responses in the affected limb, causing the characteristic symptoms of CRPS.

The Role of Chiropractic Care in CRPS Management

We focus on the musculoskeletal system, emphasizing the relationship between the spine and the nervous system. While traditionally associated with spinal adjustments, chiropractors also employ a variety of techniques to address peripheral joints and soft tissues. In the context of CRPS, chiropractic care aims to restore proper joint function, alleviate pain, and improve overall mobility.

At Accident Chiropractic Care and Massage, chiropractors are trained to assess and treat various musculoskeletal conditions, including those associated with CRPS. The approach involves a thorough examination to identify areas of dysfunction and a personalized treatment plan tailored to the individual's needs.

Spinal Adjustments and Peripheral Joint Mobilization

Spinal adjustments, also known as spinal manipulations, are a hallmark of chiropractic care. These manual interventions involve applying controlled force to joints, typically the spine, to restore proper alignment and function. In the context of CRPS, spinal adjustments may indirectly impact the nervous system and help modulate pain perception.

Peripheral joint mobilization is another technique employed by chiropractors to address dysfunction in joints outside the spine. By applying gentle, controlled movements to affected joints in the limbs, chiropractors aim to improve range of motion, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain associated with CRPS.

Soft Tissue Therapy and Massage

Soft tissue therapy is a crucial component of chiropractic care, especially in the context of CRPS. Chiropractors at Accident Chiropractic Care and Massage may use various techniques, including massage, to address muscle tightness, spasms, and trigger points. Soft tissue therapy aims to enhance blood flow, reduce muscle tension, and promote overall relaxation, contributing to pain relief and improved function.

Massage, when integrated into chiropractic care, can have additional benefits for individuals with CRPS. It not only addresses soft tissue issues but also promotes stress reduction, which can be particularly beneficial in managing a condition like CRPS, where stress can exacerbate symptoms.

Rehabilitation Exercises and Therapeutic Activities

Rehabilitation exercises play a crucial role in chiropractic care for CRPS. Chiropractors design specific exercises to improve strength, flexibility, and coordination in the affected limb. These exercises are tailored to the individual's abilities and gradually progress to enhance function and reduce disability.

Therapeutic activities, such as stretching and balance exercises, may also be incorporated into the treatment plan. The goal is to optimize physical function and minimize the impact of CRPS on daily activities.

Holistic Approach and Patient Education

Accident Chiropractic Care and Massage adopts a holistic approach to CRPS management, recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and social factors. Chiropractors work closely with patients to address lifestyle factors that may influence CRPS symptoms, such as stress, sleep, and nutrition.

Patient education is a fundamental aspect of chiropractic care at Accident Chiropractic Care and Massage. Chiropractors provide information about CRPS, its triggers, and strategies for self-care. Empowering patients with knowledge equips them to actively participate in their treatment and make informed decisions about their health.

Research and Evidence-Based Practice

We are  committed to staying abreast of the latest research in chiropractic care and CRPS management. We incorporate evidence-based practices into their treatment approach, ensuring that interventions are grounded in scientific knowledge and clinical experience.

By staying informed about emerging research, chiropractors at Accident Chiropractic Care and Massage continuously refine their approach to CRPS, integrating new insights and techniques that may enhance patient outcomes.


At Accident Chiropractic Care and Massage we offer a comprehensive and patient-centered approach to managing Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Through spinal adjustments, peripheral joint mobilization, soft tissue therapy, rehabilitation exercises, and a holistic mindset, chiropractors aim to alleviate pain, improve function, and enhance the overall well-being of individuals living with CRPS.

This integrative approach, combined with collaborative care and a commitment to evidence-based practice, positions Accident Chiropractic Care and Massage in St. Paul as a valuable resource for those seeking effective and holistic solutions for CRPS. As research continues to shed light on the complexities of CRPS, chiropractors remain dedicated to evolving their approach to provide the best possible care for individuals navigating the challenges of this condition.

Ted Pagel Chiropractor St. Paul
About The AuthorDr. Ted Pagel D.C.
Dr. Ted received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Northwestern Health Science University along with his Bachelor degree in Human Biology in 2018. Dr. Pagel specializes in neuromusculoskeletal injuries caused by automobile accidents.
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